The Need For
Election Audits

Here's why we need election audits.

Elections have huge consequences for voters.
Graphic showing that Candidate A and Candidate B have different policies on important issues

Candidates and their financial backers have much to gain from winning:

Power and influence

Favorable laws and policies


So there’s a huge incentive for bad actors to try to alter the outcome of elections by cheating.

Graphic representing someone attacking the election

US elections might seem relatively straightforward.

Graphic representing voters register, voters vote, votes are counted, and votes are reported

The unfortunate reality is that every step in this process is highly vulnerable to errors and attack.

Graphic representing rocks representing election errors slamming into the items from the previous graphic and breaking them
If an election isn’t independently audited, it’s impossible to know if there are errors in the official results.
Graphic representing that without election audits, we don't know the extent to which there was election error
The Electoral Integrity Project ranks 55 other democracies above the US in electoral integrity—we clearly don’t take elections seriously enough.
Graphic representing that the US is 56th in electoral integrity rating

We don’t have to tolerate this!

Independent people-powered election audits are the most powerful thing regular people can do to improve election transparency.

A people-powered election audit is an independent inspection of the vote counting and reporting after the polls close. 

Graphic taking the "voters register, voters vote, ..." graphic from above, and putting magnifying glasses on "votes are counted" and "votes are reported" to represent audits

People-powered election audits are doable!

Our free apps Actual Vote and Wanna Vote are the solution.

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